And so it begins...
For the past few months or so I kept thinking about projects that need to be done around the house such as:
- new bathroom
- new kitchen
- enclose the breezeway
- plant a garden
- clean out the garage
- finish the unfinished basement, etc.
I'm sure you get the idea. I am a huge fan of making lists, as my husband will tell you, and I will write all these things that I want to get done or things I need to do or want to do. Then I realize 5 days later my list is no where to be found and I MAY have crossed about one thing off the list out of the 10 To Do's on there. Sooo I figured blogging would help me get most of my projects done when I want to get them done, as well as keep me busy from being bored sometimes. I barely have time to do anything because of work, but I love what I do! I started working for Pugs and Kisses Pet Care back in July of 2012 while I was also working at a Pet Hospital. I loved working at the hospital helping animals, from simply giving a vaccine to doing anesthesia in surgery {always heart pounding every time}. However, the company I worked for is a corporate company and I started to feel that they were quantity over quality and I am in no way, shape, or form concerned about how much money we make over the pets life. Soo with that being said, I started slowly making my way out of the hospital and onto the streets walking dogs and pet sitting. IF you just so happen to be located in the Bucks County PA area, be sure to check out our facebook page (which ALWAYS has adorable and cute pictures of all our clients) and our website:
- Pugs & Kisses Pet Care - Facebook
With that being said, my job is not a normal 9am-5pm kind of job, but then again anyone who works with animals knows its NEVER a normal hour kind of job. But we do it because we LOVE them! The only downside to working as a pet sitter/ dog walker, is that...
1) You work by yourself all day and you lack socialization with other people for most of the day
2) you start to find yourself talking to the animals while you walk and then realize that sometimes people start to look at you funny... haha but I could care less... and I KNOW we all do it. (we all even have "voices" for our pets)
Now "voices" for our pets makes me think of my husband, Harry. Harry has a very soft spot for dogs and always will. We have 2 Australian Cattle "kids" of our own, siblings named Pogue and Mahone. They will actually be turning 4 years old in MAY! .... going back to the "voices", Harry has a voice for each of them, Mahone tends to come out sounding like Mickey Mouse and Pogue.... not really sure what it would be called, but sounds like a raspy voiced Mini Mouse, there is no other way I can describe it, you just have to hear it for yourself to know what I mean
Pogue Mahone
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