Sunday, March 2, 2014

30 Day Blog Hop Challenge - Day 1

Well what do you know once again its been nearly 2 months since my last post. After reading a few blog pages I came across doing a blog challenge.  I thought, you know what this might not be a bad idea for simply two reasons alone:
1) because it will get me into the habit of doing it more often and
2) I think it would be fun!
Thanks to Britt's blog ( I borrowed her list. I highly recommend following her she's got really great stuff!! :) 


The Meaning Behind Your Blog Name

I haven't been blogging very long and nearly not as much as I would have hoped and liked, but like I had said before it is something that I would like to get into more . I started back in April of 2013 when I was looking at a friend of mines blog page and thought,  I really do find some fun, interesting and useful information on these pages and I thought, hey maybe some things from my life could be interesting to people or I could offer some useful information. Quiet honestly you will never know if you don't ever start or try.  

My husband, Harry, and I went to Ireland for our honeymoon back in September of 2012 and loved every second of it. I highly recommend taking a trip out there if you ever get the chance too! It is a beautiful place and just an amazing experience! 

I really wasn't sure what kind of name I was going to give my blog. It really isn't an easy task to figure out lickadee split as though some people may think it is. I got to the point where I just couldn't think of anything creative and thought well why don't I just name it Welcome in Gaelic. I am Irish, just went to Ireland and thought why the hell not. :)


  1. First off I didn't know you blogged! I would've followed a long time ago. Second, I'm so excited to have you along in the Challenge! I'll be reading :)

    1. I have really wanted to get into it for a while I find it really fun and love to read other peoples posts about anything and everything! 2013 was a little random and slow for me blogging wise, since i wasn't sure sure what i was doing at first and another i would forget about it. Aww thanks! i'm excited to see everyone's posts each day:) Hope all is well with you!!
