Day 8
I have to be honest I read the challenge for today and seriously thought it said 'Advice my parents gave me that sucked'. And I began writing an entire blog based off that sentence (yet I really didn't have much to say because my parents never gave me sucky advice) but still now I have to re-write a new post haha
Ok... so advice that STUCK...not sucked here we go:
My parents always had their opinions to give and advice to offer and the reality of it is that all of it was pretty good advice. I mean I don't think I will be able to pin point which advice is the most important for me to talk about because to me all of the advice given to me was advice that stuck.
I remember growing up and I was in high school, drinking was around and I wasn't completely comfortable being around people who drank at that age. So when I was hanging with friends and they decided to raid their parents booze cabinets, I would call my parents to pick me up to go home. I remember my dad and I sitting on the deck talking about alcohol and drinking. My dad isn't stupid (he grew up in the hippie stage lol) and knows that he was young once too. My dad told me that if I ever wanted to try alcohol or smoke weed, he would not 100% approve of the idea of drugs and alcohol, BUT if i wanted to try it to do it at home first. No one knows how they are going to react to drugs or alcohol and to be somewhere you know if something were to happen you would be safe. Since then I have always respected being very open with my parents and talked about anything and everything for the most part.
I also remember my dad talking to me about marriage. After Harry had asked him for my hand in marriage and his blessings, dad waited until Harry proposed to talk to me about my choice in marriage. My dad absolutely loves Harry and thinks he and I make the perfect couple, but he wanted to hear from my mouth and using my own words that I was 100% in this and had not an ounce of doubt. If I had but once ounce of doubt, I needed to figure that out first before moving forward. One he didn't want to see me unhappy and two it would not be fair to Harry.
Now I realize I keep mentioning dad said this and dad said that, so what about my mom?! Haha my mom is a wonderful, amazing woman. After all she did bring my crazy ass into this world :) Dad was more of the advice-y in the family than mom. Not that mom never gave any good advice, it just happened to be dad almost every time giving the advice over mom.
My parents always pushed us to be our best and to try no matter what the outcome is. As long as you tried your hardest, did the best you could have done and if you are not happy with your results try, try again. Growing up wasn't easy when I was little having a bi-lateral neural loss (hearing loss). I wore hearing aids and it was a huge challenge to overcome because I knew I was different because I couldn't hide it. I was and still am super embarrassed. Now I wasn't bullied or anything in school, thank god! I was fortunate to go to a school with kids who were all taught to be respectful no matter what. To this day I still try my best at what ever I do and if I am not happy with the results I will try, try again until I am happy with my outcome.
It's always so easy for us to remember Dad's advice. Is it because they are men? I'm not sure but it seems like they both gave you some great advice :)