Tuesday, March 18, 2014

My View On Religion

I am going to be honest, I don't really have any views on religion. Each and every person has has their own religion and that is what they follow and what they are happy with. As long as they are not hurting themselves or anyone/thing that's all I care about. I have nothing against any religion what so ever. I am not pro or con any religion mainly because I don't even know all of what my religion is about so how could I possibly judge someone else's religion?  

*My views on my own religion?*

I used to go to church all the time with my family and we all went to C.C.D. classes, retreats with our class and church members and all that jazz. However, when I got into high school, I slowly started to lose interest in religion. I am almost positive it started when my best friend died the day before going into my senior year of high school. She was the most caring person, always had a smile on her face no matter what and always wanted to help anyone and everyone. 
Super smart and just had a personality that made it hard not to like her! 
She had a complication right after surgery and ended up going into a coma and passing away. That was the day I started to doubt God. Why on earth would he ever take someone away just like that and I started questioning things about life.

 From there I couldn't comprehend just exactly how did two people, made by a 'higher spirit' (Adam and Eve) came to be the only two in the beginning of the world. Who is the one who decided to write about it in the Bible?  I don't know its just something that is always in the back of my mind I guess when the word religion is mentioned. 

Harry and I will go to church every once in a while and we got married in a church. Now its not that I am against my religion at all. I just have a hard time comprehending the proof of it.  I don't want people to think I am a bad person because ' I don't go to church or I doubt my God'  I don't. I just don't want to spend my time learning about it. 

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