Saturday, June 1, 2013

Flying over the states

Restless and uncomfortable is how I am currently feeling at the moment.  Harry is zoning in and out of sleep next to me while the in- laws 2 rows ahead of us are being loud and having a good time. I have already played candy crush a few times, but currently have no more lives left and have to wait another 20 mins... and when you're in a plane that certainly feels like an eternity. 

So while waiting for more lives to appear I have played a few games on my ipod, which I found out i'm terrible at, finished 2 sudoku puzzles and a cross word puzzle with Harry (..which I cheated on some of the answers)

Sitting in the aisle seat is always very convenient, you don't have to pester anyone to get by. On the other hand, since I have nothing else to do I wish I could at least be looking out the window... [but random guy in the window seat decided to close the shade.. jerk..]
So far its been about 3-3.5 hrs.. maybe? I honestly can't even tell you since now there is a time change half way across the states heading to San Diego, CA!.... well more like Phoenix for a lay-over.. Booo
Anyways, our final destination will be in San Diego where we will be spending the next few days. We haven't just decided to take a mini vacation to California randomly {which would be awesome if we could just do that} we have a wedding to attend!!  Such a happy time and its going to be so pretty and a great time!  While we are there I've been told by a few people to visit Gaslamp, which apparently is an awesome place {ill let you know how it is}

*sigh*....just got wind that we still have another hour to go in THIS plane... joy
 Oh hey now! I just got a complimentary bloody mary- sweet!! 
This is how Harry slept for a while haha I couldn't resit it was cute
Oh yeah lets get this plane party started...

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